Monday, October 24, 2011

Susie, Uranda & Stella #1

Susie, Uranda & Stella #1, originally uploaded by debifitz.
pastel on pastelmat
private collection
actual size 19"X26"

This is a pastel progression on Clairefontaine pastelmat. A new surface for me. And I already made a big boo-boo! I had it dry mounted... which I do with almost all papers I work on... just makes them easier to work on and to ship. Plus, I would rather have the process done before I work on the piece rather than after. If the client's framer dry mounts the piece, it could smear... I don't want to have to go back and repair my work if at all possible. Anyway, I noticed a little change in the texture and the coloring of the paper when I was doing the drawing... so I did a little research and found that dry mounting is NOT recommended! I really don't know why they do not put some sort of notice with the paper when you buy it. Evidently the heat does something to the surface... well I decided to work on it anyway since I was well in to the piece by now. And I don't know how it should feel anyway! So far I am really liking the surface... the color seems more vibrant and it is taking a lot of pastels and pastel pencils that I have never been able to use on velour or suede. I figure it will only get better when I do it on the paper with out the dry mounting!

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