Well, obviously, I have finished Bill Mott and Royal Delta! Bad blogger!!!
I figured I would just post the rest of the progression and then move on! The last photo is a pic of how I use my iPad for working. I found a great armature on line for less than $75.00 that has been wonderful. Sometimes the glare on the iPad bothers me, mostly when working on dark subjects. The arm does swivel so I can position it for the least amount of glare. But I have also gone back to using photos for working on faces. And I do love being able to blow up portions of the photo to get the details. I also installed photoshop on my iPad so manipulation of color and light/dark is easy without having to run back to my desktop. I have seen a few artists online that have mounted a spare monitor to the wall close to their easel that looks great... I would have to rearrange my studio to utilize the one small wall to do the mounting... I have floor to ceiling glass windows on 3 sides of the studio, which I adore for the light and view of the outside world... but not great for mounting monitors! The other wall has french doors and a stone wall from the fireplace.... there is about 5 feet of wall in between! But something to think about!
Sorry I have been away for so long... been a trying year! Besides my mother being in long term nursing care here, I was in a car accident which totaled my car... Not hurt, but banged up and shook up! Had to deal with insurance companies and getting a new car.... :/ And my husband is planning on retirement in October! Sort of dreading that! Its like D-day!! Invasion of the husband! I work out of the home and it is going to be very interesting when that happens! I maybe on here venting soon!
Thank you! It has been a very rough few years since I last wrote on this blog! Sorry! I will try to start back up again soon!